The Central New Hampshire Amateur Radio Club will have a fox hunt on Tuesday, August 5th.
Below are prizes that will be given away to some lucky club members.
The impact driver, linesman’s pliers and wire cutters go to the top teams finding the fox. The actual winner of the prize will the the team member pulling the shortest straw at the after-hunt party back at the Gilford Community Church. Good luck!
The generator prize is a raffle prize. Tickets are $2 each or three for $5.
Tim Carter, W3ATB, donated the brand new Klien wire cutters, Klein linesman’s pliers and the Rockwell 16-volt impact driver kit.
Dick Christopher, N1LT, donated the brand new two-stroke 1000-watt generator.
Do you have some nice gear or ???? to donate so all hunters win something? EMAIL ME now if you do.

This is the FIRST PRIZE. It’s awarded to the team that is the first to find the fox. It’s BRAND NEW – never been used. It comes with TWO batteries, a charger, and a soft case.

This is the SECOND PRIZE – awarded to the second team to find the fox. It’s a BRAND NEW pair of pliers, not something I dusted off from my shop.

This is the THIRD PRIZE – awarded to the third team to locate the fox. These are BRAND NEW Glow-in-the-Dark wire cutters. They’ve NEVER BEEN USED.

This 1000-watt two-stroke generator will be RAFFLED off to anyone coming to the club meeting. Ticket prices are $2 each or 3 tickets for $5. Proceeds go to the club general fund.