Are you ready to jump in? What’s the first thing you need to do to become proficient at Morse code?
Well, the first thing is attitude. We discussed that in Part One. You must have the right attitude. You must develop the passion to learn.
Did you see the movie Patton with George C. Scott? It came out in 1971. My dad loved that movie. He was a medic in WW II serving in General Bradley’s army alongside Patton’s men.
There’s a part of the opening speech in the Patton movie that fits right about now. It’s a little graphic, but it answers the question you may have about not knowing what to do when it comes to learning Morse code and making your first QSO.
As an adult you’re ego gets in the way. You don’t want to look bad in front of others. Small children don’t have egos. That’s why they jump into new things.
As an adult you erase fear and minimize ego barriers by knowing what to do when. The reason the young soldiers General Patton was talking to were nervous is because they had yet to experience what they were up against.
You feel that same fear about your first QSO. I know – I did too!
I recommend you listen to the entire speech, as it will help you hone your attitude about learning Morse code. But the part I want you to listen to starts at 2:43 into the video below.
I’ll apologize in advance, as the language and descriptions in the video are graphic. When George C. Scott says, ” … you’ll know what to do.”, you can stop the video.
What does this have to do with Morse code? You making your first QSO?
If you STOP NOW and LEARN the letters, numbers and some of the punctuation, THEN you’ll KNOW WHAT TO DO.
I know this seems very basic, but a few people just want to jump in and get going. They want to get on the air. If this is you, slow down.
Let’s go to Part Three now. I’m going to show you how to learn the entire alphabet in just two weeks.
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First, i am glad you took the challenge and entered the world of crossborder communication beyond any language barriers by means of telegraphy.
But.. you required patton?
How the hell do we manage to learn CW in the rest of the world? hahah.. Whatever floats your boat.
I am grateful, that you share your way .. and show the kids that telegraphy has not lost its value despite its age. It is still the most narrowband way to get over far distance with little ressources wasted – and no need to complex failure prone technology.
Keep it up – bring those lost sheep to the herd.
You dont have to know foreign languages, as long you speak morsecode.
best regards from finland, vy 73 OH8XAT
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