The following survey has been developed in an attempt to make the Central New Hampshire Amateur Radio Club (CNHARC) one of the best in New England.
We’re trying to match up club members with similar interests.
If you’re a member of CNHARC, please take the survey. If you’re NOT a member, consider joining the club as an active member or as a Friend of CNHARC. Then come back here and take the survey.
Each person that completes the survey will be entered into a drawing to win a brand new Fein Multimaster power tool. Please no duplicate entries. Multiple entries will be squelched.
Here are some survey facts:
- Your data will be put in a database and shared with other CNHARC members ONLY
- The survey will remain open for entries until August 31, 2014
- The drawing for the tool will happen at the September CNHARC meeting
- ALL of the questions below are REQUIRED. You must make a selection or entry for each question

There are grinding blades, sanding pads, etc. that can be used with this tool.
I am a member living in the southeast US, so I can’t volunteer to help, but I do value my membership in this very active club.
I do have two club meeting ideas.
1. Have at least one training session prior to Field Day. There are so many hams who use only repeaters but would like to participate in Field Day if they had a little experience.
2. Have an in depth program on how VE sessions are conducted. Encourage hams to get their extra class license and recommend every extra take the ARRL VE course from the book and become certified. I think ALL other VEC’s will accept this certification if appropriate in your area.
Many thanks & 73,
Gastonia, NC
To add to the above message, I think there could be “Elmers” at many levels. (See below). I think the new hams might like to do some guest station visiting and operating such as what has been done at field day…without having to wait for field day.
Another Example I would like to connect with someone in the club who might be following “Software Defined Radios” … Seems to be a technology of our future.
This fall I was hoping to get a digital radio, and I will be looking to talk with Mark / Jim about the best way to go.
Also I have been a Short wave radio listener for many many years before (first licensed at age 16). I have an extensive collection of Old Time Radio programs (OTR) to share with anyone who might find these interesting. For example 1930’s – 1950’s murder mystery programs.
I would also be interested in setting something up to take some equipment up to 10,000 feet in an airplane… maybe one of the digital guys could try some VHF / UHF DXing from up there while I do the flying… splitting the cost of the airplane rental.
Not asked on this survey are things like our other skills. I have been an Emergency Management Volunteer since 1996, and brought radio to the table in the community I used to live in (Windham, NH)….it is now installed in their FD. We should find out who can (Weld, Fly, Run a backhoe / Heavy Equipment, Is an EMT, Nurse, or has a medical background, Owns a snowmobile, boat or ATV, Has an Electrician’s license, contacts with the Railroad / local businesses)
Another suggestion: probably for a winter meeting, public servant day. Invite any people in the town governments served by our repeater areas to come for a special night of interaction and information about how they can utilize ham radio in an emergency, or how to become licensed and integrate the knowledge into their professional lives.
I am sure I could come up with 50 more ideas..
I’d like to see the club add a sub-group for new hams, where they (we, because I am one) can learn how to do basic antennas, ham shack set-up, equipment to buy, etc. without being drowned in advanced information. I’ve been attending club meetings for about two years (since before I got my license, in fact). And while I’ve been interested in a lot of the topics, they don’t have much relevance to my situation. This could be promoted to bring a lot of new blood to the club.
This is a good idea. I’ve talked about this for a year and wanted to start up a mentorship program to deal with much of what you suggest. What we’d love to do is convert as many repeater users to real operators. What you’re suggesting can accomplish this goal!
Even those of us that have been out of touch for a while and coming back could get caught up on some of the new stuff out there, digital, echo-link and all the things I know nothing about yet from a bottoms up tour!
Chris, you bet! Come to the meetings and you’ll be BLOWN AWAY by what we have in store moving forward for the rest of this year and early 2015.