Here is an illustration of the Old Man. It’s fitting to use this image on the QSL card we’ll be sending out because the postage amount matches the date of his demise and our event. Image credit: US Postal Service
The iconic granite face of the Old Man of the Mountains was created by the last continental glacier 15,000 years ago. He collapsed alone in the middle of the night to the base of Franconia Notch, NH on May 3, 2003.
The Old Man is the NH state symbol and his image is on road signs and countless other objects around the state.
The Central New Hampshire Amateur Radio Club is honoring the sad day of the Old Man’s demise by operating both phone and CW at a location very close to Franconia Notch.
Here are the facts you need to know about this one-day event:
When: May 3, 2015 14:00 UTC – 21:00 UTC
Where: White Mountains – New Hampshire
Event Call Sign: N1H
Frequencies: We’ll be on or around these frequencies.
QSL: We’ll be printing a special color glossy QSL card for the event featuring the postage stamp image of the Old Man.
- This is a small version of the 4 x 6 glossy QSL postcard we’ll be sending out.
We encourage you to send your QSL card so we can put it in our club archives.
To receive the special Old Man QSL card, please send $1 to cover all costs. The special Old Man card will be sent to you in an envelope to protect it from damage.
Be sure to include your call sign, name, address.
Send your QSL card (or above information in lieu of a card) and your $1 to:
Tim Carter – W3ATB
Old Man Event
100 Swain Road
Meredith, NH 03253-4614
If you have questions about the event, contact me at:
tim the at sign and then my call sign followed by dot com. You have to do this to stop spambots from harvesting email addresses.