The 1/4-wave dual-band high-gain whip antenna is oriented correctly. It’s pointing to the sky. The yellow wire is a tiger tail counterpoise that helps increase the output signal of the small low-powered radio. Copyright 2018 Tim Carter W3ATB
Ham Radio Antenna Orientation – Very Important for 2-Meter Communications
Your ham radio will transmit and receive much better if you have the antenna in the proper orientation. Watch this video to get a good understanding of how important ham radio antenna orientation is.
What is the Antenna Orientation for 2 Meters?
You should hold your handheld transceiver (HT) so the antenna is pointing to the sky. Do not hold it sideways so the antenna is parallel with the ground.
Is It a Bad Idea to Put My HT on my Belt?
Yes, it’s a bad idea to put your HT on your belt. Much of the signal coming from the antenna is driven into your body.
Can You Use an HT in a Car or Truck?
It’s not a good idea to use an HT in a car or truck. The metal body of the vehicle acts like a Faraday cage. The 2-meter wave trying to get out the windows is taller than the windows.
If you must use an HT in a car, hold the radio next to the window to get the best reception and for most of your transmission to get out of the vehicle.
Can You Make a Simple Dipole for an HT?
Yes, all you have to do is add a 19-inch length of wire to the ground connection of the antenna stub. Some call this a counterpoise or the negative side of the dipole.
Read my column about a tiger tail antenna to see how easy it is to make one.